Tuesday 25 February 2014

Have you been #Neknominated?

Neknomination (noun.) When you are nominated to "neck" a drink.

'Someone who is neknominated has 24 hours after nomination to mix together a variety of spirits (and whatever else they deem worthy/disgusting/difficult) and post a video of chugging it in one go. After necking your drink you then nominate at least one other person.'
The online community has yet again given birth to a new craze that one could be forgiven  for thinking that it was likely the brainchild of a bored university student that ached for some amusement to tear them away from their regular mundane bouts of inactivity or by a social president of some university/college sports team desperate for a new drinking game. The birthplace of this game however, was Perth in Australia! Nonetheless, the phenomenon has definitely become a frequently mentioned topic in current affairs.

The evolution of the Neknomination seems to have taken a sporadic and unpredictable form, from the simple downing of a pint while in a water slide to mixing vile concoctions which have included kitchen condiments as well as kitchen cleaners, or consuming lethal doses of alcohol, or committing outrageous stunts before finishing pints.

With the death Toll for Neknomination participants has now risen to 5 as of the 10th of February 2014, local councils are trying to put more pressure on social media to put warnings over Neknomination  participation. 

Love or hate it there is still a viable argument to be made for the alcohol industry experiencing a temporary stimulus boost in sales after the dip in revenue for many alcohol firms like Diageo were suffering from before the Christmas period. The development of the this trend. Could have been perceived as some warped form of Guerilla advertising that took advantage of the rising 'LAD' mentality in the UK. Whatever the case may be, as a marketing aficionado I am fully aware of how any publicity whether it be good or bad can be manipulated for promoting a brand. This hypothesis however would be typical of maybe conpiracy enthusiasts.

On a lighter note the Neknomination craze has received some competition. RAKnominations Which  involve nominations to people after committing  Random Acts of Kindness.  The most notable RAKnotmination has been by Brent Lindeque in South Africa.  To see what his RAKnotmination was, watch the clip below, his blog can also be found at razzlemonster.wordpress.com 
                                               I do not own this video

In addition to the RAKnomination, NIPnomination is another idea that took advantage of the Neknomination phenomenon. Michelle Kent, 31 came up with the idea after watching participants going to outrageous lengths in order to out do their challengers and wanted encourage a positive use for the trend. But there have been critics who disagree with the purposefulness of the campaign calling trivial and somewhat offensive to women who have no breast. I personally think that any cynics should take the time to understand the cause and refrain from nitpicking issues in a suggested solution. 

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any thoughts you have in the comment box. PEACES.

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