Monday 14 April 2014

OCD for Moosh & Twist: Obsessive behaviour for these Rap fanatics.

Moosh & Twist  taking a quick flick with Hoodie Allen on tour.

This I must say has been my obsession since I heard the song 'Black Forest Gummy Worms' in  April 2011. I was overcome with an inate sense of simultaneous musical serenity and genuine hype;  and not that seasonal hype that the typical recording artists for the major labels fabricate,  but that authentic hip hop buzz that only wordsmiths like Mos Def, The Roots, Pharoahe Monche, Talib Kweli gave you when playing, replaying and replaying again their songs.

These guys born and bred in  Philadelphia are DeQuincy "Moosh" Coleman McRae and Oliver "Twist" Feighan. What struck me as phenomenal was the fact that these two have been not only partners in crime  but  friends since first grade! It seems somewhat a fairytale starting a rap group with your childhood friend!

Nonetheless it's evident that their work  ethic is formidable and I can't  imagine it was all candy canes and love throughout their campaign,  but their love for their art and depiction of their desire to  succeed at it seems to shine through their lyrics and videography the majority of which produced by Rex Arrow.

Moosh & Twists' success has been proven by boasting over 100,000 mixtape downloads and over 7 million Youtube views, all without a debut album! They have  been touring and performing for their thousands of fans as headliners as well as opening for The White Panda, Hoodie Allen, Wale, and many more. However, my only criticism is despite the evident fan base abroad particularly Europe, Moosh and Twist still haven't heeded calls request from overseas fans to do an international tour. Call it bias  or  call it a flaw which ever way you see it demand from Europeans fans is there and I think it's time OCD answered there xalls.

To find out more about these guys check out there website at 

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