Monday 21 July 2014

Big Hero 6: Balloonman to Snowman? Baymax vs.Olaf

With the Oscar nominated Frozen crushing the Box office with over $1.2 billion in worldwide revenue and MARVEL comics treating comic fan boy/girls to a new breed of hero team with Guardians of the Galaxy to compete with along with X Men and The Avengers; Disney have taken the Japanese manga styled comic book and revamped it into the lighthearted super hero team of juveniles with 
 specific 'gifts'.
Big Hero 6 ironically named so as only one of these heroes Baymax has considerable size seems to almost serve as a hybrid form of competition for both Frozen and The Guardians of the Galaxy productions.
Being an avid graphic novel reader myself fans will be intrigued to know that this project will be the first Marvel comic story arc released as a Disney production and furthermore one can imagine that Pixar would have been incredibly excited to revive a story that was so short lived. Either way I'm incredibly anxious to watch it, maybe even more so than Age of Ultron............What? Too soon?

Team  Breakdown


Hiro Takachiho is a thirteen-year-old boy whose intelligence would astound the most brilliant minds around the world.


Created by Hiro for a school science project, the synthetic entity known only as Baymax became much more to Hiro after the death of his father. Now the best friend, father figure, and bodyguard of young Hiro, Baymax is at Hiro's side every hour of every day.

GoGo Tomago

Gogo Tomago  aka Leiko Tanaka  is known as the hothead of Big Hero 6. GoGo transforms her body into an explosive ball of energy which is able to be projected at vast speeds.

Honey Lemon

Little is known of Honey Lemon's past, or how she obtained the purse that gives her "superpowers."


A trained chef who uses various swords to fight. He can also give form to his Qi-Energy, usually materializing it as throwing knives that can paralyze opponents.


Nicknamed Fredzilla, he can give form to a Dragon like supernatural entity.

Anyway check it out New trailer in the link below. (I do not own any material shown in the media provided below).

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